Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Record snipe count

This morning’s flush count yielded an amazing total of 119 snipe! The breakdown was: Big Meadow 78 common and … Read More

Song thrush

Song thrush observed in the Orchard this morning. Still hundreds of geese on the hillside just beyond our … Read More

Heron and snowdrops

A heron took off from the Flora Field as we walked on the canal towpath this afternoon. And … Read More


A heron by the side of Alder Pond this afternoon. Perhaps not good news as I believe they … Read More

Heron and Oystercatcher

Yesterday late afternoon (13 May), when inspecting the 4-metre stretch of wall on Aldcliffe Road, demolished by a … Read More


There was a heron poking about in Cromwell’s Pond again this morning. Just as I got hold of … Read More

December Winter Flush Count

Graham, Paul and I went for our monthly winter wander through the fields and marshes of Fauna this … Read More

Ragworting sights

Whilst ragwort spraying over the last few days we have seen a flock of geese giving Fauna the … Read More

Recent wildlife

A heron flying over Flora yesterday and a song thrush in Fauna a few days ago. There is … Read More