Some Birds are Preparing for Spring
If you are walking around Pony Wood you should hear a greater spotted woodpecker drumming away …
Protecting and improving green spaces in Lancaster
Sightings of birds seen on and around the Nature Reserve.
If you are walking around Pony Wood you should hear a greater spotted woodpecker drumming away …
I was walking around the reserve on Saturday morning with my camera and took a few snaps …
The battle with the squirrel continues …
On Monday 6 January the survey team carried out the third count of the winter.
Recent sightings on and around the feeding station have included dunnock, linnet, robin, chaffinch ….
On Monday 2 December we carried out the second Snipe survey of the winter season.
This fieldfare was seen high up in Pony Wood on 1 December.
‘Water Rail heard in Upper Sowerholme this afternoon …
Nine teal were spotted on the pond in West Field and at the feeding station today, on a very cold morning …
Recently we have recorded a variety of species around the feeding station …