Queens Award for Voluntary Service


The Association generally holds meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Tite & Locke pub near the train station. The Association’s post-holders aim to attend each meeting. All members of the Association are welcome to attend.

Standing items on the Agenda include: the Treasurer’s report; playground report (including safety issues); reports on the Orchard, the Nature Reserve and the Aldcliffe Road Triangle; any communications and planning for upcoming events.

Dates and Documents

Meetings Calendar

The calendar includes all dates and details of all meetings, including FFOG.

Go to Calendar

Current Meeting Information

Agendas for forthcoming meetings and minutes of recent meetings can all be accessed directly online.

Go to Information

Meeting Document Archive

Minutes for all meetings since 2006 can be found in the archive. All files can be downloaded as PDFs.

Go to Document Archive

Other Meetings

Fauna, Flora and Orchard Sub-Group (FFOG) Meetings

This group meets every two months, on the first Thursday of the month, either at the Friends Meeting House or on site. It plans and reviews all of the work done on the reserve by volunteers and contractors, receives monitoring reports and surveys and ensures compliance with the Natural England agreement. It is chaired by a trustee and reports to the Fairfield Association.