Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Flora Field

The field by the Long Pads looked lovely in the sun on Friday, with the bird seed mix – … Read More

Roe Deer

I took this photo at 5.20 a.m. on the 19th June. The two roe deer were in our … Read More

Little owl???

Whilst on a walk along the Pads footpath this afternoon one of the regular dog walkers reported to … Read More

Roe deer

Seen yesterday late afternoon, a lone, young, roe deer in the arable field.

More on Roe Deer

Rebecca  told me that she had seen one roe deer by Carr House Farm a few weeks ago.

Roe Deer

Whilst retrieving the lapwing decoys this morning we disturbed 3 roe deer – 2 adult and a young … Read More

Deer, birds and flowers

Three sightings of roe deer today, two very definite ones of a single deer running through Lower Sowerholme … Read More

Wildlife today

Whist working in the Reserves today we have observed three roe deer (this morning in Upper and Lower … Read More