Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Little Owl

Little owl sitting on fence post in Admiralty wood, then flying into oak trees with some sort of … Read More

Little owl???

Whilst on a walk along the Pads footpath this afternoon one of the regular dog walkers reported to … Read More

New Calf

Another new calf, born either yesterday or this morning.  Both mother and calf well and judging by the … Read More

Stoat and comma

Yesterday afternoon from the triple gates we saw a stoat jumping around in the edge of the stubble … Read More

Teal and primroses

Five teal on Alder Pond yesterday. There are also primroses in flower in Pony Wood and lots of … Read More

Deer, birds and flowers

Three sightings of roe deer today, two very definite ones of a single deer running through Lower Sowerholme … Read More


Four very noisy Ravens flying in Pony Wood and the surrounding fields this morning at around 8am. Maybe … Read More