Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteering Saturday 12th May 2018

Sorry I forgot to post Jonathan’s announcement of our proposed tasks for the Saturday session but here is what we actually did:

Fifteen volunteers attended the monthly Saturday volunteering session on a lovely spring morning.

  • The shed roof was weeded, particularly of sycamore saplings
  • Benches were trimmed of invasive vegetation in the Orchard, down the Pads footpath and along the Fauna path.
  • Keith began the summer pruning of the fruit trees, assisted byStuart.
  • The new saplings we planted this winter were trimmed round to increase their light and prevent envelopment:
    • Along the Pads footpath
    • Up the new hedge in Pony Wood
    • In the new extension on the East side of Pony Wood.
    • Along the southern hedge boundary of the Flora Field
  • The new gorse in Pony Wood was also trimmed although it’s not looking too strong at the moment.
  • We made a valiant effort to identify the patches of Spanish Bluebells which the wildflower surveyor had informed us of but without success. We need greater expertise to identify them for removal.