Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Record snipe count

This morning’s flush count yielded an amazing total of 119 snipe! The breakdown was: Big Meadow 78 common and … Read More

January Flush Count

A very productive flush count in Fauna today, in marshes as wet as I think they have ever … Read More

Winter flush count

Today was the first count of the season. And the weather seemed to recognise it! Graham, Paul and … Read More

Noisy owls

Got woken up last night about midnight by some almighty screeching coming from the nature reserve. Thought initially … Read More


Resumed work ragworting today and noticed a few more flowers. Nice to see yarrow and hawkbit growing in … Read More

More wildflowers

Several us went on a very interesting tour of the Nature Reserve today with Richard Storton, our advisor … Read More


A couple of very smart looking goldfinch on the Lucy Brook side of the Hay Meadow marsh this … Read More

Baby wrens

On the Lucy Brook edge of the Hay Meadow about 20 metres down from the Cromwell Road gate … Read More

Hay meadow flowers

Looking over the fence into the Hay Meadow I noticed red clover, Good King Henry, Ribwort Plantain and … Read More