Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Bird walk

Thanks to everyone who came out for the bird walk on Saturday morning. We were out for around … Read More

Here be dragons

In dragonfly news: there was a black-tailed skimmer on the reserve today and a brown hawker was hunting … Read More


Kestrel hovering over the Fauna fields as the bioblitz of the Hay meadow took place on Friday evening. … Read More

Ragworting sights

Whilst ragwort spraying over the last few days we have seen a flock of geese giving Fauna the … Read More

Hare sightings from Philip

25th May, evening, hare sighting in field currently adjoining Fauna.Friday 31st May, 3 separate sightings (8.40, 11.50 and … Read More

Recent wildlife

A heron flying over Flora yesterday and a song thrush in Fauna a few days ago. There is … Read More


Sparrowhawk flew across Fauna and into the Orchard this afternoon.

Whinchat & more wheatears

There was a single wheatear in the reserve as I passed through on my way to work this … Read More

More migrants

A quick walk through the reserve this afternoon revealed two swallows hawking over the large pool. , while … Read More