Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Bird Reports: 27 February 2024

On a walk round on Tuesday 27 there was a redpoll by the path from the canal to Pony Wood. Also a list of sightings from the board.

Sightings Board January 2024

Birds recorded on the sightings board at the end of January 2024


A pair of grey partridge were in the arable field this morning but the large linnet flock was … Read More

Brambling & linnets

The already impressive linnet flock continues to grow and this morning there were around 120 feeding in the … Read More


Good to see that the arable field continues to attract lots of seed-eating bird species. As well as … Read More


Whilst walking on the Long Pads footpath this afternoon we saw a flock of 20 and more birds. … Read More

Siskin, Goldcrest and more

Along path through Flora 2 Siskin showing well today. Also our smallest bird Goldcrest in the bushes at … Read More


Walking through the reserve on my way to work this morning I noted: 3 siskin, up to 20 … Read More


The birds were active around 8am this morning in the top corner of the Hay Meadow by the … Read More