Queens Award for Voluntary Service

In Flower in the Orchard

A walk around the Orchard and Pads footpath this afternoon and noted the following in flower: Honeysuckle, red … Read More

Ken’s little helpers

Here is ken ragworting in the Big Meadow bog with assistance

The sick cow

Many people have expressed concern over the health of the cow laid down in the Big Meadow for … Read More

Flora in Fauna

A nice patch of Selfheal in the Big Meadow, a blue plant visible from the Pads footpath. Wild … Read More


Philip tells me that the moorhen pair are feeding just the one chick

Hare again

Maybe it wasn’t wishful thinking after all! Out in the Fauna fields with Oliver and Richard from the … Read More


Two snipe on Friar’s Pond earlier this evening, plus a pair of teal on Alder Pond


Three (possibly four) male teal on School Pond this afternoon along with two or three other birds, presumably … Read More

Pied wagtail

Pied wagtail feeding around the hooves of one of the cattle in Big Meadow this afternoon.