Queens Award for Voluntary Service

A few more flowers

After the rain a walk across Fauna revealed mallow and cranesbill coming into flower with, more prosaically, elder … Read More

In Big Meadow

Found some Self Heal in the Big Meadow yesterday. Picture on the wildflower collection shortly. There is also … Read More

Hay meadow flowers

Looking over the fence into the Hay Meadow I noticed red clover, Good King Henry, Ribwort Plantain and … Read More

More flowers

I was in the Sowerholme section of Fauna this morning and there is lots of a small white … Read More

Flora flowers

I guess we ought to resume reporting of wildflowers observed in Flora. So far: * Under the Long … Read More

Wild marjoram

Wild marjoram in the Orchard but tucked away – only visible from the Pads footpath just north of … Read More


Whilst ragworting we have noted: water figwort and meadowsweet in Sowerholme along with deadly nightshade and St Johns … Read More

In Flower in the Orchard

A walk around the Orchard and Pads footpath this afternoon and noted the following in flower: Honeysuckle, red … Read More

Busy Bee

June Nature Notes

The fine sunny days this month have seen the insects and bees busily visiting flowers collecting pollen and … Read More