Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Sightings & Observations

All reported wildlife sightings and plant observations made on the Nature Reserve and in the Orchard. Reports include: birds, minibeasts, other animals, plants and flowers.

More migrants

A quick walk through the reserve this afternoon revealed two swallows hawking over the large pool. , while … Read More

jack snipe x 2

spotted on the large pond in centre of fauna around 2 weeks ago; seen over two evenings around … Read More


The much anticipated change in wind direction in the past few days has finally allowed the movement of … Read More

Merlin & Otter

Merlin in Orchard Monday morning (around 8am).  This is the second time I have seen this bird here.  … Read More


Walking through the reserve on my way to work this morning I noted: 3 siskin, up to 20 … Read More

Mistle thrushes

Two mistle thrushes near School Pond this afternoon, their breasts particularly bright in the sunshine


Buzzard observed flying over FLORA this afternoon. Two crows attempted to drive it off, but he returned to … Read More


Two snipe on Friar’s Pond earlier this evening, plus a pair of teal on Alder Pond

Ringed plover

This is a bit naughty as this sighting was on the pond at the bottom of Aldcliffe Hall … Read More