Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Brambling & Hare

The female brambling was once again with the chaffinch flock at Pony Wood today where up to 80 … Read More

Brambling & linnets

The already impressive linnet flock continues to grow and this morning there were around 120 feeding in the … Read More

Young Woodpecker

Walking around the path below Pony Wood a few evenings ago, we saw two Greater Spotted Woodpeckers. Almost … Read More

Early evening stroll

Whilst it was still bright and sunny, we wandered round the boundaries of the nature reserve early yesterday … Read More

Tree creeper in Pony Wood

I should have posted this before but forgot! Three of us saw a tree creeper in Pony Wood … Read More

Spring is springing

Whilst working with the Hedge Working Party in and around Flora this morning we saw The big brown … Read More

Bird walk

Thanks to everyone who came out for the bird walk on Saturday morning. We were out for around … Read More


Buzzard observed flying over FLORA this afternoon. Two crows attempted to drive it off, but he returned to … Read More

FLORA Fields Walk and Talk

Last Saturday’s Walk and Talk around the FLORA fields took us up to the top of the hill … Read More