Queens Award for Voluntary Service

More flowers

People may have noticed the patch of flowers coming up in the Orchard between the main path and … Read More

Flowers and birds

Seen in the last day or two: a  kestrel hunting over Big Meadow (29th May) and a heron … Read More

A few more flowers

In the Reserves this afternoon Hawthorn (Pads hedge) Dog’s Mercury (Orchard) Rowan (Orchard) Columbine (Pads footpath)

More flowers

A couple more plants in flower, wild strawberry and cherry, the latter not quite a flower but  when … Read More

Osprey & other migrants

An osprey passed over the reserve at approx. 1.25pm today – being mobbed by a pair of lesser … Read More

Flower and bird report

The wood anenomes near the Orchard north gate are starting to come. Blackthorn blossom near the fruit hedge. … Read More

Abundance of yellow

All the early flowers are yellow, here are primrose, gorse and the humble dandelion! I have already reported … Read More


Very late dog walk along the path between the Orchard and Cromwell road, I came upon a barn … Read More

Flowers in the Orchard

Many people have admired the snowdrops in the Orchard but there are some crocus appearing as well.