Queens Award for Voluntary Service

“February” flush count

February’s flush count was brought forward in the light of this week’s FFOG meeting which – among other things – will … Read More

A disappointing tally

Given the strength of snipe numbers so far this season, we were expecting a busy time this morning. … Read More

Lots to See

An excellent tally for the third flush count of the season. 114 snipe counted, 4 of which were … Read More

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

The wonderfully sunny and almost warm conditions suited the flush counting team this morning. And the snipe too … Read More

February flush count

We delayed a week because of strong winds and I was starting to think we would have to … Read More

Disappointing results

Snipe numbers on the reserve have previously been on a rising trend at this time of year. Not … Read More

Counting in the fog

After the dryness of the early autumn, the marshes are now awash. And the snipe are coming back … Read More

Extra flush count

Jon was keen on extending the winter flush counts for a further month – and it was a … Read More

Record snipe count

This morning’s flush count yielded an amazing total of 119 snipe! The breakdown was: Big Meadow 78 common and … Read More