Queens Award for Voluntary Service

November flush count

Exceedingly wet underfoot, but at least the rain and wind had abated. A decent tally of snipe – … Read More

Excellent results

Yesterday’s flush count was most satisfying: the second highest monthly number of snipe since the counts started in … Read More

A good tally

Finally an encouraging flush count! In fact, the highest January total of snipe since the winter of 2014/15. … Read More

Too icy for snipe?

With the onset of a colder spell of weather, we were hoping for a high count of snipe … Read More

November flush count

Another very wet tramp through the marshes this morning. A total of 37 snipe flushed, one of them … Read More

Still a few snipe around

The final snipe count for this winter put up 13 snipe, all common. Seven in Big Meadow, two … Read More

And so it continues…

Poor results again. The penultimate flush count of this winter yielded just 16 snipe (including 1 jack). Apart … Read More