Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Tough Going

The flush count this morning was quite a slog, wading though standing water, balancing on tussocks and trying … Read More

Not as bad as we thought

We were quite disappointed by this morning’s flush count. Maybe the snipe are preferring the estuary to the semi-frozen … Read More

HM=8, US=0, SP=4, BM=15

This was the tally of snipe in the Fauna fields this morning, including one Jack in Big Meadow. After … Read More

Another monthly record

Second flush count of the winter and again we have set a record for snipe numbers when compared to previous … Read More

More people than snipe?

A glorious sunny morning had brought out the walkers to enjoy the delights of the reserve. Unfortunately we … Read More

“February” flush count

February’s flush count was brought forward in the light of this week’s FFOG meeting which – among other things – will … Read More

A disappointing tally

Given the strength of snipe numbers so far this season, we were expecting a busy time this morning. … Read More

Lots to See

An excellent tally for the third flush count of the season. 114 snipe counted, 4 of which were … Read More