Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Winter wildlife

The Hedge Working Party were mainly working near Pony Wood this morning and so had a look in … Read More

Working in Flora Field

The edge of the arable field that runs along the boundary with Lower Sowerholme is being managed as a … Read More

Birdwatching walk

Lots of us turned up for the birdwatching walk with Jon this morning. It was a little windy, … Read More

Owls & Med gull

The little owls remain in the same area and I have been seeing them almost daily. There were … Read More

Feeding time

With the crop having been harvested, the field by Aldcliffe Road has become an all-you-can-eat buffet for birds. … Read More

Harvesting the Wheat

The crop was finally harvested yesterday (12th Aug) after an abortive attempt on Friday.

Flora Field

The field by the Long Pads looked lovely in the sun on Friday, with the bird seed mix – … Read More

Little owl???

Whilst on a walk along the Pads footpath this afternoon one of the regular dog walkers reported to … Read More

Roe deer

Seen yesterday late afternoon, a lone, young, roe deer in the arable field.