Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Osprey & other migrants

An osprey passed over the reserve at approx. 1.25pm today – being mobbed by a pair of lesser … Read More


Very late dog walk along the path between the Orchard and Cromwell road, I came upon a barn … Read More

Thrush and flowers

Very good sighting of a song thrush perched on one of the Orchard apple trees this morning. Also … Read More

A few more flowers

After the rain a walk across Fauna revealed mallow and cranesbill coming into flower with, more prosaically, elder … Read More

Swifts over Fauna

Yesterday house martins, today the much larger swifts were flying over Fauna. I think there were three and … Read More

House martins

House martins zooming over the Fauna fields this afternoon. About six I think but going ever so fast!

Wheatears etc.

Birds at FLORA this morning included 6 Wheatears (5 males-one pictured) on the wheat field. Some of them … Read More

Swallows and ducklings

Good to see a single swallow on Saturday 5 April near the canal between haverbreaks and fauna. Also … Read More

More March hares again

I delayed reading Graham’s monthly report until just before the FOG meeting, so failed to notice that he … Read More