Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Bird walk

Thanks to everyone who came out for the bird walk on Saturday morning. We were out for around … Read More

Snipe in Upper Sowerholme

At the bottom of our garden yesterday disturbed a snipe (and a cock pheasant) in Upper Sowerholme. Not … Read More

A soggy flush count

The first flush count of 2014 took place in driving rain and buffeting wind. Not surprisingly the marshes … Read More

Snipe in School Pond

Out with the binoculars yesterday and spotted a total of four snipe visible in the reeds on the … Read More

December Winter Flush Count

Graham, Paul and I went for our monthly winter wander through the fields and marshes of Fauna this … Read More

Hare again

Maybe it wasn’t wishful thinking after all! Out in the Fauna fields with Oliver and Richard from the … Read More


Walking through the reserve on my way to work this morning I noted: 3 siskin, up to 20 … Read More


Two snipe on Friar’s Pond earlier this evening, plus a pair of teal on Alder Pond