Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Record snipe count

This morning’s flush count yielded an amazing total of 119 snipe! The breakdown was: Big Meadow 78 common and … Read More

January Flush Count

A very productive flush count in Fauna today, in marshes as wet as I think they have ever … Read More

December flush count

We were joined this morning by Jon Carter, whose expert eyes are a definite bonus. Despite the recent … Read More

Return of the snipe

Thought we would get soaked again on this morning’s flush count, but it turned out to be bright … Read More


A group of snipe zooming over the Big Meadow wetland this morning. I guesstimate about 10 of them.

Winter flush count

Today was the first count of the season. And the weather seemed to recognise it! Graham, Paul and … Read More

Big Meadow birds

In the Big Meadow this morning and had a very good sighting of three partridge. I also think … Read More

More March hares

An email from Graham yesterday reports that he saw 2 brown hares in the corner of the Hay … Read More

February Flush Count

The Fauna marshes are wetter than ever, with lots of standing water. Don’t know what snipe feel about … Read More