Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Disappointing results

Snipe numbers on the reserve have previously been on a rising trend at this time of year. Not … Read More

Surprising results

I had feared that we might get swallowed up by the marshes after all the rain. But although … Read More

Counting in the fog

After the dryness of the early autumn, the marshes are now awash. And the snipe are coming back … Read More

October flush count

Our first foray of the winter through the marshes this morning raised a total of 7 snipe: one … Read More

More Snipe

There were 7 snipe feeding at School Pond yesterday evening. Still a few house martins around too (in … Read More


Whilst ragworting (the last foray?) around the edges of the Big Meadow marsh put up two snipe.

Deer, birds and flowers

Three sightings of roe deer today, two very definite ones of a single deer running through Lower Sowerholme … Read More

Snipe return

It would seem that for some birds, ‘summer’ is well and truly over… the first returning snipe have … Read More

Extra flush count

Jon was keen on extending the winter flush counts for a further month – and it was a … Read More