Queens Award for Voluntary Service

“February” flush count

February’s flush count was brought forward in the light of this week’s FFOG meeting which – among other things – will … Read More

Hare in the hedge

Sharp-eyed Ken spotted a brown hare this morning as we were setting up to do some hedging. It … Read More

Hare in Big Meadow

We spotted  a hare in Big Meadow this evening – in the long grass quite near to the … Read More

Hare sighting

An excellent close-up of a brown hare in West Field yesterday as Oliver and I carried out the … Read More

Brown Hare in West Field

Saw a pair of brown hare in the West Field around 8 am this morning.

Brown hare

Hare sighting reported in the vicinity of the bee hives in Flora Field on Sunday,

Wildlife whilst ragworting

The joys of ragworting are limited but this morning we did have one or two good wildlife experiences. … Read More

Mammals & migrants

Stoat and brown hare both in FAUNA this afternoon. Interested to see a chiffchaff that had been ringed … Read More

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

The wonderfully sunny and almost warm conditions suited the flush counting team this morning. And the snipe too … Read More