Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Hares and flowers

Three quite separate hares seen this afternoon in the Lower Sowerholme field. More wildflowers to report. My phone … Read More

Flower and bird report

The wood anenomes near the Orchard north gate are starting to come. Blackthorn blossom near the fruit hedge. … Read More

Extra flush count

Jon was keen on extending the winter flush counts for a further month – and it was a … Read More

Grey Partridge

I know the Grey Partridge is one of the birds that the Nature Reserve is trying to encourage. … Read More

Record snipe count

This morning’s flush count yielded an amazing total of 119 snipe! The breakdown was: Big Meadow 78 common and … Read More

A host of magpies

We all know we are strong on magpies and don’t usually report sightings of this destructive bird but … Read More

Brambling & Hare

The female brambling was once again with the chaffinch flock at Pony Wood today where up to 80 … Read More


There was a very handsome male pheasant by the edge of Alder Pond around 4pm today. He was … Read More

January Flush Count

A very productive flush count in Fauna today, in marshes as wet as I think they have ever … Read More