Queens Award for Voluntary Service

March Flush Count

Here is the tally of birds seen at the March (and final) snipe flush.


A flock of about 30 redwings feeding in the vicinity of Alder Pond in Big Meadow this morning.


On Wednesday 28th October, 13.15. A stoat ran across the Pads footpath from Big Meadow to the Orchard … Read More

Thrush and shellduck

Seeing a song thrush in Big Meadow this afternoon reminded me that on Tuesday morning we saw a … Read More


During a walk around Fairfield yesterday afternoon we saw two curlews, first in Big Meadow and then in … Read More


While walking around the Reserve today we spotted this stonechat in Flora Field. West Field scrape was extensively flooded … Read More

Birds in Big Meadow

The Wednesday Work Group watched a kestrel hunting over Big Meadow but the highlight  was the frequent sighting, … Read More