We didn’t spot any unusual species but thanks to Jon and other knowledgeable members of the group we continued to get better at identification from song and flight pattern. We saw 21 different birds on the reserve, a family of swans on the canal and a brown hare in Flora Field. Species list:
Blackbird, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Herring Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Mallard, Shelduck ( a flock – quite a dramatic sight over Lower Sowerholme) , Moorhen, Heron, Sparrow Hawk (female), Starling, House Sparrow, Gold Finch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Robin, Magpie, Crow, Jay, Jackdaw.
We also bumped into some-one who had seen the otter on the canal that morning.
Jon has offered a walk in July when there should be some young around.
Thanks Jon