Queens Award for Voluntary Service

April 20th Bird Walk

16 people spent a pleasant spring early evening walking around the reserve with Jon Carter. We saw: Redpoll, Blackcap,Willow Warbler, Treecreeper, Blue Tit, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Blackbird, Starling, ( app.12 drinking in Alder Pond), Reed Bunting ( 2 male), Swallow ( 2 overflying), Moorhen, Mallard, Magpie, Jackdaw, Collared Dove, Wood Pigeon, House Sparrow ( 6 – 10) and heard Wren, Dunnock and Chiffchaff. Ian Nieduszynski also saw a Bullfinch whilst walking back along the Fauna path. There were a pair of Tortoiseshell butterflies mating in the Orchard