Queens Award for Voluntary Service

More flowers

People may have noticed the patch of flowers coming up in the Orchard between the main path and … Read More

Flowers and birds

Seen in the last day or two: a  kestrel hunting over Big Meadow (29th May) and a heron … Read More

A few more flowers

In the Reserves this afternoon Hawthorn (Pads hedge) Dog’s Mercury (Orchard) Rowan (Orchard) Columbine (Pads footpath)

Hares and flowers

Three quite separate hares seen this afternoon in the Lower Sowerholme field. More wildflowers to report. My phone … Read More

Lots more flowers

There are more flowers to report. Bluebells in the Orchard Ransomes in the Orchard Jack in the Hedge … Read More

Lots of flowers

There are lots of flowers to report Ransomes in the Orchard

Flowers in the Orchard

Many people have admired the snowdrops in the Orchard but there are some crocus appearing as well.


Resumed work ragworting today and noticed a few more flowers. Nice to see yarrow and hawkbit growing in … Read More

West Field Flowers

As I have noted before there are few flowers in the previously heavily fertilized West Field. However, where … Read More