Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteer Session, 09/02/13

Greetings Orchardeers,

There’ll be a volunteer session in Fairfield Orchard this Saturday, February 9th, starting bright and bushy tailed at the usual time of 10.00am and finishing stinky and dog tired at 1.00pm or thereabouts.

The delights awaiting us on this occasion:

1.      Complete the retrieval and stacking of re-usable bricks in the pig sty area. A number of us have been doing this for months now and it’s always a right good laugh.
2.      Lop off self seeded saplings and bramble in a number of areas where their number and density has become invasive. (e.g. to the north of Towneley Close path, although there are several others).
3.      Prune back blackthorn in the fruit hedge. Those shrubs ready for hard pruning have been marked with a ribbon.
4.      Continue laying the Pads hedge. N.B. This will only be undertaken by those with hedge laying training although others can assist in clearing dead wood and carting away excess vegetation.

We will be benefitting from the assistance of a group of Green Lancaster students.

I’ve spoken with my usual contacts in Weather and have been promised interesting conditions throughout so please do come along for as long as you possibly can. You know you’ll have wanted to.

Very much hoping to see you there,
