Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteer evening 24th June

Once again a late posting of what we set out to do:

Hello everyone,

 Apologies if this is a duplicate, I have had problems sending out batch emails.
Jonathan is on holiday so this reminder of the FA volunteer evening on Wednesday 24th June is coming from me. We will meet from 6.30pm at the Storage Building although come along a little later if you need to get your tea.
Our tasks are:
The priority job is to erect a fence in the Hay Meadow to prevent cattle straying into Upper Sowerholme after haymaking. (By the way the haymaking is booked in for the first suitable weather window after July 15th).
We also have some bits and pieces left over from last time:
* Secure lid of box box 4
* Remove alien bamboo from Orchard
* Clear pile of nettle debris from near Towneley path
Then the grass and nettles are enveloping the broom and gorse and need cutting back.
In addition one of our chainsaw qualified volunteers is coming equipped and clothed to cut some new insect logs so we will need a safety banksman to accompany this job.
So, something for all talents and abilities.
Please try to come along.
Don’t forget the Carr House Farm Open Garden next weekend (27th and 28th). We are still looking for helpers to staff the refreshment stall during the afternoons and people to put up and take down our our tents and equipment Friday evening and Sunday afternoon. If you can help contact Andrew Brennand at
ian procter (FA volunteer organiser)


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1 thought on “Volunteer evening 24th June”

  1. Here’s what we did
    Nine volunteers attended for the Wednesday evening volunteer session. Cloudy but remaining dry.
    • We constructed a fence between the Hay Meadow and Upper Sowerholme to keep the cattle out of the latter later in the summer. The fence included 12 posts and 27 metres of wire fence. All of this was recycled from our own stock, most of the posts being cut this winter from our hedges and trees.
    • Five new ‘slices’ were cut from the beech log cut earlier in the year by the tree surgeon. The slices are to replace the deteriorating ones in forming insect habitats for children to inspect.
    • The lid of bird box 4 was fastened with wire.
    • The bamboo which had appeared in the Orchard was dug out. One of the volunteers took it home so it may have a more appropriate setting.
    • We moved the pile of nettle debris left over from last time so it no longer obstructs the grass path.
    • Tree branches overhanging the main path in the Orchard were cut back.

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