Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Linnets & Teal

I saw a treeful of linnets (is that the collective noun for them <g>) along the long pads … Read More

Autumn birds

2 crossbills flew over FAUNA at 8.40 this morning, heading west. There were also a few redwing whizzing … Read More

A promising start

In previous years, the first flush count of the winter has netted fewer than 10 snipe.  This morning … Read More

Not many snipe now

The final flush count of the winter yielded just 16 snipe: one in the Hay Meadow, one in … Read More

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

The wonderfully sunny and almost warm conditions suited the flush counting team this morning. And the snipe too … Read More

February flush count

We delayed a week because of strong winds and I was starting to think we would have to … Read More

Disappointing results

Snipe numbers on the reserve have previously been on a rising trend at this time of year. Not … Read More

Counting in the fog

After the dryness of the early autumn, the marshes are now awash. And the snipe are coming back … Read More

October flush count

Our first foray of the winter through the marshes this morning raised a total of 7 snipe: one … Read More