I forgot to post Jonathan’s email to the volunteers but the report on what we actually did follows.
But first note that a Little Egret was observed on School Pond by the volunteers. I think this may be significant as this species, whilst common on the riverside marsh and occasional on our neighbouring drumlins, has not been seen very often, if at all (?), on the Reserve. Perhaps one of the birders will comment on this.
Thirteen volunteers attended the monthly session on a warm, dry but overcast morning.
- The hedge overhanging the lane running from Sunnyside Lane to the Orchard was trimmed back.
- The debris was moved away including the fallen leaves on the track.
- The netting on the shed roof was carefully removed including its ‘harvest’ of sycamore leaves and seeds. The experiment has been very successful as the sedum appears undamaged and entirely clear of sycamore debris. There should be a huge reduction in sycamore saplings next spring.
- Leaf debris around the shed was cleared away.
- The broken fence post adjacent to the new double gates across the Fauna path was replaced.
- The hedge between the Fauna path and Carr House Meadow was trimmed. Still needs reducing in height.
- The hedge between Carr House Farm garden and the Fauna path was trimmed back and the debris removed.More work was done trimming the hedge between the Orchard and the Pads footpath.
- More work was done trimming the hedge between the Orchard and the Pads footpath.
- Further work was done pruning the fruit trees.
- Tony was unable to provide refreshments on this occasion but Emily and Julia stepped into the breach with two excellent cakes.