Queens Award for Voluntary Service


Two jays very active around the Lucy Brook end of Big Meadow this afternoon.

A few more wildflowers

There is lots of water cress in Lucy Brook where it seems to thrive. I also noticed euphorbia … Read More

Baby wrens

On the Lucy Brook edge of the Hay Meadow about 20 metres down from the Cromwell Road gate … Read More

Little Egret again

This bird seems to spend a lot of time in Lucy Brook where it runs along Willow Lane … Read More

Off for a tasty snack?

Earlier this evening there was a tawny owl calling from the top of the (virtually) dead oak tree … Read More

Cattle in Flora

Walkers down the Pads footpath will have noticed the cattle in the ex-Gleesons Field following our opening of … Read More

Pheasant (and that jay)

A red pheasant observed in the Big Meadow alongside Lucy Brook this afternoon. And there was that jay … Read More

Grey Wagtail

There was a Grey Wagtail prodding about in the mud in Lucy Brook this morning. Close to the … Read More


A couple of goldfinch were busy this morning looking for nesting materials in the Lucy Brook hedgerow (down … Read More

Water Rail

Very clear view of a Water Rail about 1.30pm in Lucy Brook, just down from the Cromwell Road … Read More