Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Water Rail

Very clear view of a Water Rail about 1.30pm in Lucy Brook, just down from the Cromwell Road gate. With the water level in the brook a bit lower after the recent dry spell, it was having a good dig around in the muddy edge. The streaks on its back were clearly visible, as were the lighter markings on its lower sides. There were flashes of white as it cocked its under tail.


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2 thoughts on “Water Rail”

  1. If you hear ‘squealing’ coming from the undergrowth, it is not the three little pigs but one of these little water rail!

  2. That’s very good news. We owe a lot to the water rail: several years ago when we were first discussing possibilities for FAUNA if we could ever persuade the City Council to give us the promised lease, we showed a rather senior naturalist round the site. He was ever so slightly unimpressed at first. But then he spotted a water rail, and promptly became an enthusiastic supporter! There aren’t many places to see them around Lancaster, and although they are not classified as threatened, there aren’t a lot of them around. The RSPB’s website says ‘Although usually secretive, they can become confiding’ – let us know if they tell you any secrets, Glenys!


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