Queens Award for Voluntary Service


Entomologists might inspect the post and board fence and gate posts around the Shed where we have a whole cluster of ladybirds. They appear (to the completely ignorant eye) to be of different types as they have a variable numbers of spots. They also appear (ditto) to be hibernating as they are inert but clearly not dead. Yet they seem very exposed to the elements.

A jay in the Orchard the other day and a pheasant in the Flora Field recently.


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2 thoughts on “Ladybirds”

  1. According to Helen Hicks, her house, nearby, was indundated by huge numbers of ladybirds the other day. They appeared to have been blown in on the wind (many different sorts)and were all over the place. So I suspect these ladybirds are part of that ‘flock’.

    • Interestingly enough, but concerning too, is that I’m pretty sure I’ve found 2 Harlequin ladybirds in our house last week. Harlequin ladybirds are the highly invasive, cannibalistic form that do come in many forms, and are causing a rapid decline in our native species.

      It may be worth checking if the ones near the shed are these:
      Natural History Museum site (Harlequin Ladybirds)

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