Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Jacks galore!

The scheduled final flush count of the winter took place this morning. Much colder and drier under foot than last week. A total of 30 snipe, the most this late in the season since April 2015. 25 in Big Meadow, 5 in School Pond. The main point of comment was the high number of jack snipe – comprising a third of the total, all in Big Meadow. (Not as marked, but the proportion of jacks last Monday was also unexpectedly large at just under a quarter.)


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2 thoughts on “Jacks galore!”

  1. Steve B has provided some background on the jack snipe observations. They breed in NW Europe rather than Britain and tend to slightly leave later than the common snipe. It remains an unusual finding though. Past records for the April count show a much lower percentage of jacks – sometimes none at all.

  2. Hi Glenys

    Could you select wildlife under categories – it’s helpful when collating information

    Ian tried to get a photo!


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