Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Heron and jays

I saw a heron in the middle of the Grammar School field today. I have seen it there before quietly preening itself. Perhaps to get away from all the ducks on the canal.

Two jays in the Orchard.

Oh, and a lunatic youth riding a motor bike at full pelt along the Fauna path. I shouted at him but received a mouthful of abuse in return.


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1 thought on “Heron and jays”

  1. Yes we too spotted the heron preening itself in Grammar School field yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. Unusual to see a heron away from water (the level of the Grammar School pond was very low yesterday).
    We were also surprised/intrigued to see a man and young woman picking grass in the middle of the West Field (?) opposite the arable field. They were too far away to ask them what they were doing, and I wondered if it was something to do with the Exmoor ponies? They each had a big carrier bag which they were filling with tufts of grass. Can anyone throw light on this? Did they have permission?

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