Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteering session Wednesday evening 31st May

Here is Jonathan’s message

Greetings All,

Three items for your attention, if you please.

First, there’ll be an evening volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard,
Fauna and Flora this Wednesday, May 31st, beginning at 6.30pm and
finishing in due course.
On this occasion the leader will be Mick Short. If you can’t quite make
6.30pm, please come along whenever you’re able.

* Checking the Pony Wood and extension ‘saplings’ to identify any which
are dead. Mark with a piece of hazard tape and if possible note the
species on the tape (with indelible pen) and keep a note on paper for a
* On the way trim back any overhang along the Pads footpath .
* Bring back to the shed the stock of half fencing posts lent against the
fence at Little Wood. Sharpen them for future use as hedging stakes or
defending ourselves from vampires and so on.
* A hedging post just down the footpath from the Fauna / Orchard
crossroads has broken off and needs replacing or reinstatement.
* Cut back selected areas around the ponds and scrapes to allow wildlife

Second, we’ll shortly be asking for volunteers to set up and dismantle
equipment at the Carr House Farm Open Garden, Saturday and Sunday, 1st and
2nd July. Please keep the dates in your diary.

And third, the Ragwort Working Party will be resuming mid-June so watch
out for an imminent call for volunteers.

Best wishes,