Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteering Saturday 14th March 2020

Here is Jonathan’s message, with predictive text error, can you spot it?

Hello All,

There’ll be a volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard, Fauna and Flora this
Saturday, March 14th, starting at 10.00am on the dot please, or as close
as humanly possible, else it make the job of task allegation that little
bit more challenging than it needs to be, and finishing at 1.00pm.

On the agenda for this occasion…

* Building a new willow dome in the playground.
The willow domes in the Orchard we built for playing in have proven to be
a great success with children of all ages – *ahem*; *gazes boyishly into
the middle distance* –  so we are trying another one in the playground.
They involve stems of willow which root easily in wet ground and create a
living structure. It has been noted they are both “totes cute” and
“awesome for hide and seek.”

* Continuing to retrieve mulch from Abraham Heights for protecting our
hedge saplings.

* Moving the brash at the edge of the Hay meadow for future burning.

And that’s all for now thank you,
Best wishes,


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1 thought on “Volunteering Saturday 14th March 2020”

  1. And here’s what we did
    Fourteen volunteers attended the Saturday volunteer session on a dull but dry morning.
    • The main task was the construction of another willow dome, this time in the playground. The willow was brought from the School Pond area, the ground prepared and the dome constructed.
    • Two volunteers fixed red hazard tape ‘flags’ to the stakes marking out the Flora Field so that the farm workers can clearly see what is to be done.
    • Meanwhile 14 barrowloads of mulch were transported from Willow lane up to Pony Wood and applied to further saplings surrounded by nettles.

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