Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Volunteer Session, 12/01/13

Happy New Year Orchardeers,

There’ll be a volunteer session at Fairfield Orchard this Saturday, January 12th from 10.00am to 1.00pm or thereabouts.

If you’re particularly mad about hedges, then this may well be your month. Our “to do” list goes like this:

  • Complete clearing and stacking bricks in former pig sties.
  • Sort out any possible hedging stakes in the brash adjacent to the former pig sties.
  • Clear piles of brash in Orchard after sorting out any possible hedging stakes.
  • Clear leaves from the path south of Sunnyside Lane.
  • Retrieve pile of hedging stakes from Hay Meadow.
  • Complete the trimming back of grass on the Fauna path toward Cromwell Road.
  • Make a start on laying the Pads hedge.
  • Retrieve bulbs from near pig sties.

That’s all for this month. Short and sweet. Please come along if you possibly can.

Except to say, don’t forget that the following Saturday, January 19th is our traditional Wassailling Procession. It takes place between 3.00 and 5.00pm. We meet at the end of Sunnyside Lane. Or possibly the Sunnyside Lane end of the Orchard. It will become very apparent when the time comes.

Bring pots and pans and whacking sticks (a wooden spool is ideal) and be prepared to, as the young people say, Make Some Noize. Perhaps you already are a young person in which case you’ll be right at home.
