News from the Feeding Station
The battle with the squirrel continues …
Protecting and improving green spaces in Lancaster
The battle with the squirrel continues …
This fieldfare was seen high up in Pony Wood on 1 December.
Nine teal were spotted on the pond in West Field and at the feeding station today, on a very cold morning …
Recently we have recorded a variety of species around the feeding station …
Volunteers watching at the double gates have seen …
Pony Wood footpath is closed until midday Saturday 24 August 2024 due to a fallen branch.
Spoke to a gentleman who had been visiting for the last week to observe the nest of a Great Spotted Woodpecker. As we watched a red head poked out of a hole in a tree and started loudly shouting …
Grasshopper warbler heard calling late evening on Thursday 16 May from north end of Pony Wood …
A pair of Canada geese were on one of the ponds by Aldcliffe Rd.
On a walk round on Tuesday 27 there was a redpoll by the path from the canal to Pony Wood. Also a list of sightings from the board.