Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Sightings Board Report

These were recorded on the board between the 13th and the 17th of May …


During a walk around Fairfield yesterday afternoon we saw two curlews, first in Big Meadow and then in … Read More


Fraser reports seeing a hedgehog in Lower Sowerholme this morning.

Teal and thrush

Three teal on Alder Pond this morning, plus a song thrush in the Orchard. Also, I have been … Read More

Hare in the hedge

Sharp-eyed Ken spotted a brown hare this morning as we were setting up to do some hedging. It … Read More

Not many snipe now

The final flush count of the winter yielded just 16 snipe: one in the Hay Meadow, one in … Read More

A Herd of Deer?

What number constitutes a herd? Disturbed two deer in Upper Sowerholme this morning. However, by the time I … Read More

Deer and Fox

Deer and Fox!! On a quick walk round the reserve this morning, there was a fox in Lower … Read More


On Tuesday I saw a Peacock butterfly on the Fauna footpath, near the Cromwell Road end. It had … Read More


Egret feeding in the Lower Sowerholme field this morning