Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Lapwing in Flora Field

We may have lapwing nesting in Flora Field for the first time for many years.

Sightings Board Report

These were recorded on the board between the 13th and the 17th of May …

On display this evening

Highlights of a brief walk around the reserve boundaries this evening were: a lapwing enjoying the muddy area … Read More

School Pond lapwing

There was a lapwing prodding about in the muddy edge of School Pond this morning. It flew off … Read More

Birds seen this afternoon

Walking around Flora field we saw 6 wheatears (2 in above photo), plus a lapwing in big meadow … Read More

New Calf

Another new calf, born either yesterday or this morning.  Both mother and calf well and judging by the … Read More

Lapwing over Flora Field

A lapwing was swooping and diving over Flora Field between 4 and 4.30 this afternoon. It occasionally landed … Read More

Wildlife today

Whist working in the Reserves today we have observed three roe deer (this morning in Upper and Lower … Read More

Lapwings and Hare

  Two hare were visible in Lower Sowerholme on Sunday evening (10th May).   Yesterday (12th May), two … Read More