Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Spring is on its way!

Time to get Wildlife spotting. Let us know what you see around the Fairfield Orchard and FAUNA Nature Reserve.  Remember – wildlife is both animals and plants!

Hazel Catkins
Hazel Catkins

Keep your eyes open for the first hazel catkins and spring flowers …

Have a look on the Wildlife Blog to see what other people have been spotting around the Orchard and FAUNA …


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2 thoughts on “Spring is on its way!”

  1. Last weekend a group of long-tailed tits were spotted in the trees at the North end of the Orchard. A very recognisable little bird. Listen out for their characteristic ‘si si si’ call.

    Visit the RSPB page to hear a recording: RSPB – Long-tailed tit page

  2. Walking through the Orchard this morning I could not fail to notice how alive it is now with the sound of birds and in particular the calls of blue tits and coal tits. Looking for a mate and somewhere to nest. After yesterday’s horrendous weather, they certainly think that spring is on its way!

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