Queens Award for Voluntary Service


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2 thoughts on “New calf!”

  1. Graham Brandwood, one of the regular volunteers in Fauna and the Orchard, sent the following message:

    “Informal name ‘Lucky’ as it didn’t have a smooth arrival – apart from it being a lovely sunny morning. I got a call from a (dog walking) friend at 6.40am this morning to say that a cow was obviously in distress and struggling to give birth with a calf half in and half out. She didn’t know who to call and 10 minutes later I would have been off to the gym. Anyway I went and got Fraser and the cow was lying down in the Girls Grammar School field with the calf about half way out. Head, front legs and chest were clear so it was able to breathe but mother wasn’t really having contractions and was pretty tired. Calf seemed to be in the correct position but wedged. We tried pulling the front legs without success and then tried with a rope – again no success. In the end Fraser called the vet and using the birthing ratchet we were able to birth the calf successfully. Mother and calf were left to recover in their own time.”

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