Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Baby wrens

On the Lucy Brook edge of the Hay Meadow about 20 metres down from the Cromwell Road gate there is a dense thicket of brambles, dead branches and other vegetation. There were five wren chicks there this afternoon. Much of the time they perched clustered together on one of the branches looking like a big ball of fluff until they opened their beaks or one decided to climb on top of the others. Meanwhile the parents were flitting back and forth a short distance into the marsh to bring back food. A pair of blackbirds have also been entering the depths of the same thicket, beaks loaded with nesting materials. So hopefully some baby blackbirds too … Lots of noise and activity along this ‘hedge’ line at the moment. Although all suddenly went quiet and everything disappeared as the jay flew past along the brook.


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1 thought on “Baby wrens”

  1. In our experience that’s the last you will see of the wrens. In our last house (in Rugby) we had wrens nesting in a Chinese lantern for three years. We saw them fly on two occasions but once they had gone they didn’t return.

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