Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Baby Lapwings

Shirley and I rescued two baby lapwings from the pads path this afternoon, about 3pm.

They were running along the path – must have worked their way under the hedge from the arable-planted field, where we could hear their mother’s distinctive cries.  They were small – their feathers little more than fluff but they already had little crests sprouting on their heads.

We released them into the arable field, where we could see lapwings, just above the crop.  As we approached the field, two pairs of lapwings flew around – maybe there are two nests?

Not sure if the mother would have found them or accepted them back, but at least we tried!


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1 thought on “Baby Lapwings”

  1. Richard Storton, our RSPB adviser says that the mother could have been shepherding the chicks across the footpath to the West field, as the chicks would be able to find more food there, in the long grass. So if anyone else finds chicks on the path, it might be best to leave them to it.


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