Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 25 July 2023 at the Tite & Locke
Present: Andrew Brennand, Dave Brookes, Geoff Oliver, Hilary Short (Chair), Ian Procter, Ian
Diffenthal, Jane Parker, Michael Sheppard, Mick Short, Mike Stevens, Sharon Diffenthal, Sue
Nieduszynska, Sue Pope, Tim Dant
1. Apologies
Oliver Fulton, Tony Finn
2. Minutes from the last meeting
- These were agreed.
3. Matters Arising
- Wall at the back of the Orchard needs to be replaced – new quote of £1970. The cost will be
shared equally with the neighbour – builder has been appointed - E-news is now available
- Volunteer email list to be sent to Anne Greenwood and Sue P – Ian to pursue
- LGGS re LNR – Sue and Geoff recently met the headteacher and he was very positive – Geoff
will follow up. Add LGGS to the newsletter circulation list - Work on the Pony Wood gates has been completed and the bill has been paid
- The legs of the benches under the trees in the play area are starting to rot – need to repair –
Ian Diffenthal and Mick Short will have a look
4. Treasurer’s Report
Bank balance
13.06.23: £73,043
25.07.23: £72,773
Restricted funds
Lancaster University 72
Triangle 830
Play area 5101
LCC 3000
Fundraising 262
Play area -6933
Total 2 333
General Funds 70,440
Significant income:
£3000 from LCC (young people’s champion) for play area
Payments: Insurance £1711, Myerscough chain saw training course £380, Huddleston’s for Pony
Wood gates £1509
5. Membership and Friends
- No change, 405 members in total
6. Playground
- Regular monthly inspections by a local engineer (John) – this is now established
- Work will start in September, all equipment has now been purchased
- Bin has been repaired and there is a new bin inner basket
- EV charging station and cycle hangar consultation – 25 respondents – this will be of benefit
to local residents. Co-wheels may also be interested in the third space. County Council may
have funds that can be applied for purchasing and installing a cycle hangar. We may need
planning permission. Meeting agreed we should pursue the cycle hangar – Mike Stevens will
7. Education
- No update
8. Events
- 23 July – North Lancashire Wildlife Group 1030-1600 was cancelled due to the weather,
hope it will be reorganised. - 29 July – volunteers’ picnic – 1200-1500 bring your own food, drink and music will be
provided. Emma and Rebekah are organising - 23 September – Apple Day – Veronica Dunn will organise tea stall, Closing Loops will do
something on pickling and preserving as part of their Share the Harvest initiative. Pavlos
Pavli will organise children’s games. Hilary to pursue wood carving. Jay from Egg Cups will do
a children’s craft stall. Volunteers to put up and take down. - Tuesday 17 October, AGM will be in the Social Room at the Meeting House (booked from
7pm) - 18 November – Green Fair – table booked
9. FOGG report
- Application for stewardship funding from 2028 won’t be at the higher tier (we are currently
higher level, but there are fewer funds available and higher tier in Lancashire is now only for
SSSIs). RSPB’s Calum Booth is advising us on a future application and is currently being
funded by the RSPB. We may be able to apply to other external funders as well and request
consultancy costs. - Planting project for the autumn – far side of West Field – old hedge, primarily blackthorn
and hawthorn, no low growth. Plant a new hedge in front of it – diversify the species – seek
funding from Woodland Trust – traditional mix. Ian and Steve Bullen have made enquiries to
the council about whether funds might be available to support planting saplings. Total costs
likely to be £2000, with Woodland Trust paying up to 75%
10. FOTT report
- Nothing to report
11. General Updates
- Discussion about objects, there was some debate about mention of physical environment in
The proposed objects are:
a) to promote the conservation and protection of the natural and physical environment, for
the benefit of the public.
b) to preserve, enhance and maintain public areas and amenities in the city of Lancaster, in
particular the Fairfield area.
c) areas and amenities referred to in (b) include but are not limited to Fairfield Green and
Playground, The Fairfield Millennium Green and Community Orchard, Fairfield Fauna and
Flora Nature Reserves, and the Aldcliffe Road Triangle.
The trustees will discuss at their next meeting and, if necessary, it will come back to the
September meeting. - Newsletter distribution – Veronica Dunne and Wendy Nakanishi volunteered to help
Katherine Woodfine - Cromwell Road gate is open all the time giving cyclists and electric scooters easy access –
are there ways of closing the gate quietly?
12. Website and Facebook
- Need to streamline messages on the website – they will go to Sue P in the first instance
13. AOB
- No meeting in August.
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 19 September at the Tite & Locke.