Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Fairfield Association Monthly Minutes: 20 August 2024

Minutes of the Fairfield Association meeting held on 20 August 2024 at the Tite & Lock.


Andrew Brennand, Dave Brookes, Geoff Oliver, Hilary Short (Chair), Ian Procter, Jane Parker, Mick Short, Mike Stevens, Sharon Diffenthal, Sue Nieduszynska, Sue Pope

1. Apologies

Ian Diffenthal, Mark Tanner, Pavlos Pavli, Tony Finn

2. Minutes from the last meeting

  • These were agreed.

3. Matters Arising

  • Response from LGGS to letter sent to them about LNR – they are currently unable to make a decision. Solicitors have advised we write to Mr Beard (the headteacher) and remind him that they had agreed in principle in the past. Hilary followed up on 24 June and 18 July. Hilary will write to the chair of governors.
  • Bicycle Hangar – planning permission has been agreed and we await delivery. Some additional costs may be largely covered by councillor Gina Dowding, with Fairfield Association covering the rest (less than £1000). The hangar will be deemed a pilot.
  • Funding for the QR code project hasn’t yet been sought – will send a sample of the interviews with the funding request. Need to ensure full accessibility to the information. May be possible to seek funding to support accessibility across the nature reserve.
  • Cycle route – Sue N contacted local councillor Gina Dowding but no response, Mike contacted Cat Smith (MP) who had pursued similar issues in the past and Mark contacted Google.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Bank balance

DateAccountAmount (£)
25.06.24 145,947
20.08.24Total            131,828

Restricted funds

SourceAmount (£)
Play area-6933
LCC (bicycle hangar)4633

General funds




Significant income

  • Fairfield Festival: £5362 income including grants and sponsorship, £3598 expenses, £1764 operating surplus.


  • £17,505 wet pour for play area

The total cost of the playground has been largely funded by almost £63,000 in grants. The partnership with Lancaster City Council has helped to save the Fairfield Association a lot of money (not least the VAT).

5.  Membership and Friends

  • Membership and friends seem to be steady.

6. Playground

  • Lease expired on 24 June – LCC has referred to legal services to renew for another ten years.
  • The new playground is very popular. Mike and Andrew are running a survey amongst users.

7. Education

  • Nothing to report.

8. Events

  • AGM on Tuesday 17 September 2024 at the Friends Meeting House
  • Apple Day on Saturday 5 October
  • Green Fair on Saturday 23 November at the Friends Meeting House
  • Fairfield Festival in the same vein as 2024 (i.e. not primarily concerned with fund raising) on Saturday 24 May 2025

9. FFOG report

  • Request to improve path into the orchard from Townley Close to make it more accessible – temporary fix on 21 August and then a contractor will sort out properly
  • NEETs volunteering in the nature reserve – more information will be available in due course and Rebekah is aware
  • Request to undertake research on amphibians and reptiles in the nature reserve
  • Monitoring mosquitos in the nature reserve – some in the south carry a virus that is affecting blackbirds. Fairfield is one of several sites across the UK where mosquitos are being monitored. The data will go to Portland Down.
  • Application to the Tree Council for funding for saplings – thickening hedges and greening the nature reserve
  • Lancaster Environmental Fund (LEF) plaque to be displayed on a fence in the playground in acknowledgement of funding received

10. The Triangle

  • Nothing to report

11. General Updates

  • Dead bees along the Pony Wood path – possibly due to the lime tree

12. Website, Facebook, Instagram and Newsletter

  • Newsletter due before the beginning of September

13. AOB

  • Square Units have been given to Fairfield Allotments for a donation of £10
  • Nature Festival in June 2025 – Dave will attend a meeting in a couple of weeks to find out more and will report back
  • Track between the canal and the Fairfield Association, close to Aldcliffe Hall Drive, doesn’t belong to the Fairfield Association. Concerns about the drainage have come to us but we’re not responsible. It is a footpath so Public Rights of Way at Lancashire County Council need to be contacted – Dave will do this.
  • We need to develop a comms plan and raise the profile of the Fairfield Association – Mike Stevens possible lead.

14. Date of next meeting

The AGM will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 17 September 2024 at Friends Meeting House.

The next meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Tuesday 15 October 2024 at the Tite & Locke.

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