Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Fairfield Association 2024 Annual General Meeting

The Fairfield Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2024 is on Tuesday 17 September at 7.30pm.


The Social Room, Friends Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TX.

All welcome

Come along and let us know what you think! Everyone is welcome.


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of 2023 AGM
    • Update on the charitable objects
  4. Chair’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. The Playground update
  7. Fairfield Association Flora and Fauna Nature Reserve update
  8. Aldcliffe Road Triangle update
  9. Election of Trustees and Officers
    • Thanks to the retiring chair and welcome to the new chair
  10. Standing item for notification of third parties of change to trustees
  11. Any other business
  12. Date of next AGM: 16 September 2025


All members of the Fairfield Association are entitled to vote and to nominate officers and Trustees.

Nominations for Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or Trustees should be sent to Sue Pope, Secretary, no less than seven days before the meeting.

Community Membership

If you want to check whether you are a registered member, you can do this in two ways:

  1. Go to and click “Sign in without password“. Then enter the email you think you will have used. It will tell you if you are registered as a member or not. No password is needed.
  2. Alternatively, email: and ask the Membership Secretary who will be able to check for you.

If you are not a member already, Community Membership is free and you can join online. You don’t have to be a member to attend the meeting, but you do if you want to vote.


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